Surveying and Comparing Two Images in the Blind Owl and Tales of the Parrot

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Ph.D Candidate, Persian Language and Literature



Sādeq Hedāyat’s the Blind Owl may at first be seen as a work having more tendency towards occidental styles rather than oriental ones. The previously written criticisms mainly put forward such similarities and influences, while the recent ones' considerations have been paid to the traces of the influences of Iranian culture. It seems that since some books and articles about Khayyām and Vis o Rāmin have been written by Hedāyat, the discussions in the field often circulate about these two names, and, of course, usually discontinue there. The fact that as a story writer, Hedāyat has scrutinized and investigated the heritages of Persian literature and might be influenced by them is completely assumable. This article attempts to confirm that Hedāyat, in creating his The Blind Owl, has been influenced by Tūtīnāmeh (Tales of the Parrot); especially the very image of ‘the old man and the girl’ has been extracted from one of the anecdotes of Tūtīnāmeh.


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