The Role and Use of Descriptive Motifs in Vīs and Rāmīn

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of the Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University of Karaj



One of the important issues discussed in literary criticism is the use of motifs in fiction literature. The motifs can be classified into two categories based on their importance and role in both poetic and prose fictions: dynamic and static. Description, though includes different kinds, is counted as a static motif because it is not regarded as an action or event and also because it can be neglected in contrast to narrative (dynamic) motifs which are within the framework of the causality. However, this does not imply that descriptive motifs are less important than dynamic ones, as they offer diverse functionalities such as persuasion, motivation, acknowledgement, explanation, dignifying, separating narrative parts, time passage realization, decoration, emotional effect, preparatory, suspension, informing, etc. This paper is focused on important functions of description in "Vīs and Rāmīn" written by Fakhreddin As'ad Gorgani.


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