A Reflection of History at Ghaznavid Period in Farrukhi's Divan

Document Type : Research Paper


Instructor, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


In this paper, I have explored the social and historical events in Farrukhi Sistani's divan. Therefore, the paper relies on historical and social issues during Ghaznavid period, which are mentioned by Farrukhi in his poems. Then, I compared these subjects and points mentioned in eulogies with the following six works: Mujmal al-Tavarikh and al-Qisas, Zayn al-Akhbar of Gardizi, the Selected History, Tarikh-e Beyhaqi (‘Beyhaqi’s History’), the Translation of Tarikh-e Yamini (‘Yamini’s History’), and Tabaqat-e Nasseri. It can be seen that Farrukhi was not only a eulogy poet, and his odes are not only eulogies, but his eulogies also talk about the political conditions such as wars, ceasefires, and ministers, as well as social issues like behavior towards prisoners of war, hunting, and witnesses during the Ghaznavid period. It can be said that his divan was in fact complementary to the above-said history books. In some cases, due to recording details, it shows that it is superior to it. I suppose that not only did he not hail and praise Ghaznavids, but he might have criticized them


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