Comparing Rhetoric Writings of Sharafeddin Rami with Araqi Style Poems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Corresponding Author, Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, International Imam Khomeini University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


When it comes to rhetoric in the 14th century AD, concurring with the period in which the Araqi style became highly common in Persian poetry, one cannot but mention Sharafeddin Rami and his rhetoric writings. There remain three works by Rami: Tohfat al-Faqir, or Badaye' al-Sanaye', Haqayeq al-Hadayeq, and Anis al-Oshaq. Like other rhetoric works between the 13th and the 15th centuries, these works are generally characterized by their predominant imitations and writings from previous rhetoric books, such as those written by Radviani, Watwat, and Shams Qeis Razi.
While taking into account the historical trend of rhetoric developments, an analysis of innovations by rhetoricians at each stage deems necessary in relation with the aesthetic developments of poetry at that stage. It also represents the capability level of newly-emerged rhetoric theories in criticizing Persian poetry aestheticism.
Do the comments mentioned in the rhetoric works of Sharafeddin Rami match the developments in Araqi style poetry? To answer this question, the rhetoric works of Rami were analyzed, and in the meantime, the level of rhetoric theories within them in relation with Araqi style poetry was highlighted.


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