The Analysis of Semiotic Functions of “Light” Based on a Story from Masnavi

Document Type : Research Paper



One major sign that is important in understanding of mystic texts is the element “light”. The designation of semantic significations and internal associations of the element light makes it easier to understand mystic texts. Semiotics, as a new approach in literary criticism, allows us to study these applications inside the discourse. The present paper is about to analyze the applications of the element “light” in one section of the story “Jafar’s conquest to Take Hold of a Castle All Alone”, using a descriptive-analytical approach. The major question is: how does the element “light” affect the discourse and how does it create the meaning.
In fact the objective is to study the conditions that govern the creation of stories and the discourse, and to show the fluidity of meaning. In this story, the element “light” has a discursive function, and this way, a dynamic fluid discourse is created. The main hypothesis is that in this discourse “light” has embodied, cognitive, interfacial functions and these functions have affective, representative, explosive, simulative, reflexive and aesthetic characteristics. The analysis of functions and characteristics of “light” can designate the discursive capacities of the stories in Masnavi, and help us in studying this book.


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