A Comparative Study of Attar Neishabouri’s Mantiq al-Tayr and Ibn Sina’s Risalat al-Tayr

Document Type : Research Paper



The present study strives to compare the contents of two prominent mystic works: Attar Neishabouri’s Mantiq al-Tayr (Road of Flight) and Ibn Sina’s Risalat al-Tayr (Book of the Flight), which has been conducted through research and the qualitative and quantitative content analysis method. To facilitate the understanding of the comparisons, tables and charts have been provided. The findings suggest that similar effects are mainly found in the contents. The most important similarity between the two works is that of their subject. The sign of "Bird" (‘Tayr’) and the theme of unity are prominent. The other similarities include destination, purpose of flight, the story of the process of "self-discovery", and expression of distrust. The differences in form include: 1. difference in the form of expression, 2. Word choice, and 3: elements of the story.
The differences in content include: 1. difference in the need for a sage, 2. how to express themselves, 3. in considering the worthiness of the mystic, 4: attitudes towards the divine source, 5: in being epic, 6. in the quest plan, and 7: in attitude towards the job of the seeker.


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