Application analysis of meanings of preposition "AZ" Up to the end of the sixth century (A case study in four books: Qabus-Nameh, Tarikh-e Belami, Tarikh-e Bayhaqi, Jame’ol-Hakmatain)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Literature and Languages, Azad University, South Tehran,

2 Professor of Research Institute of Persian Language and Literature, Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies

3 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. Tehran, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Azad University, Tehran South Branch


Understanding the meanings of prepositions, such as "az", is necessary due to the decisive role it plays by induction. In order to find out more about "az", with the approach of linguistic stylistics at the lexical level and by adopting a descriptive-analytical method, the use of the twenty-nine meanings of "az" was studied within: Tarikh-e Belami, Tarikh-e Beyhaqi, Jame’ol-Hekmatain, and Qabus-Nameh- related to the first and second period of Persian prose. The purpose of this study is to facilitate the perception of the texts of these two periods, recognition of the sharing, differentiation, to earn the percentage of the use of the meanings of "az", and its generalization in other similar works based on linguistic stylistics. Understanding the meanings of this statement can be a tool for accurate interpretation and explanation of texts. The outcome of the research reveals that, in comparison with all the books, the highest and lowest frequency is in the Tarikh-e Belami with 29.74 percent and Tarikh-e Beyhaqi with 19.64 percent, respectively. However, in comparison with two periods, the frequency of "az" is 51.34 percent within two books of the first period, and 48.66 percent within two books of the second period. In addition, the most widely used meaning belongs to “Tabeiz” with 44 times repetition in the first period, and the least frequently used meanings equally belongs to “Taozih” and “Mosahebat” in the first period; “Entesab”, “Fasl va Tamiz”, and “Baraie” in the second period, with only one repetition for each meaning. The other meanings of "az" apply in almost invariant distribution within both periods but, even so, there is not any distinctive distribution between each specific meaning within two separate periods


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