Investigatiing the Linguistic and Rhetorical Functions of Exclamatory Structures in Asrar-al-Towhid and Comparing Them with Maghamat-e-Gende Pil

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Persian Language and Literature. Qazvin Imam Khomeini International University

2 PhD in Persian Language and Literature. Allameh Tabatabai University


Interjectional sentences are one a kind of grammatical structures in speech that can have different linguistic and rhetorical functions. It is possible to achieve the rhetorical goals of the interjection in these texts according to the dominant discourse on the textual context of AsraroTohid and Zhandeh Pil, which have a Sufi-didactic discourse. The authors of these works have used various linguistic features to inspire their intended meanings to the audience, among which "interjection" is one of the most widely used methods.
The present research seeks to study the sentences' secondary meaning relationship after interjections and the method of using linguistic processes in Sufi-didactic discourse of AsraroTohid and comparing it with comparing it with Zhandeh Pil based on Abdul Qahir Jarjani's construction theory and Halliday's systematic functional grammar, so it becomes clear through this way that each of the authors of these two mystical texts have used what mechanism to teach their audience in the form of interjectional sentences.
This research has studied Sufi-didactic discourse on two mentioned works through a descriptive-analytic method and based on the systematic functional approach; in this approach, experience patterns are represented in the form of processes and through the ideational meta-function in language.
The findings of the research show that there is sometimes a significant relationship between the discourse secondary meaning in the sentences after interjections and the method of using linguistic processes in both mentioned books, and sometimes, also there is formed a "fluid flow", which more than anything else affected by the subject, the level of the audience awareness and the relationship between the speaker and the audience.


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