The role of poetry of the mind in women's correctional works based on Ronald's theory.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabatabai University,

2 PhD in Persian Language and Literature, Lecturer at Farhangian University and Visiting Professor at Shahid Beheshti University


The theory of poetical mind is one of the most innovative and newest subjects in linguistics specially the gender and linguistics. This theory has been investigated more by Ronald wardhaugh, although there were some scholars who had talked about this subject before him. Some of these critics were Abram Tarasov and Andrea Lazard. Wardhaugh especially has explaind about this theory in his own book: a survey of applied linguistics. This theory briefly says that some scholars, especially women’s mind can achieve the correct and suitable meaning of a part of a poem I an unusual way of interpreting and meaning them in this essay we are going to consider two important corrections of manuscripts meaning hadigha alhaghigha by Maryam hoseini and khamseye nizami by samie basirmozhdehi. Some of the most important results are adaptability of the way of interpreting poetries in two corrections with wardhaugh,s theory.
Key words: correction, poetical mind theory, Ronald wardhaugh, hadigha al haghigha, nizami,s khamseh.


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