Rereading the edition of Haditha Sanai, edited by Mohammad Jafar Yahaghi and Mehdi Zarghani

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran


Editing and describing of Hadigha of Sana'i have many difficulties. The undertaker of such a difficult work should dominate the content features of the text, as well as its linguistic and verbal characteristics. In the new edition of this text, there are a lot of mistakes that some of them are corrected in this study, with regard to the text and the principles of the classical Persian verse. Unfortunately, in the new edition of the Hadigha, many mistakes have been made. The meter of many distiches has been disturbed. A lot of the editing symbols are false and need to be reviewed. Many distiches are read falsly and this bad reading has been reflected in the description part. Rhymes of some distiches are false and should be corrected. Two editors of this edition who have missed out the correction of a lot of the distiches, have correlated the bad rhymes to the style of the poetry of the poet, but this is often not the case, and according to the principles of the classical Persian poetry and knowledge of the history of the language, it is possible to achieve a better edition of the Hadigha and a more accurate analysis of the rhymes of this text. In the present article the poetical aspect of Sana'i is especially emphasized and giving evidence and reasoning, has been shown that the most mistakes are stem from the errors of the scribes and the editors, not from the stylistic features of the poems of Sana'i.


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