Review, Analysis and Critique of the Metaphor Classification in Rhetorical Works

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Qom University


After the formation of the first foundations of the rhetorical sciences, at a later stage, researchers in this field classified the different boundaries of this knowledge. The metaphor is one of the first realms that has always been the subject for researchers in this field, since the beginning of this science. When the rhetoric entered the classification stage, naturally, metaphor was no exception to this rule. The study of various rhetorical works in Arabic and Persian rhetoric shows that the classification of metaphor has passed different periods in Arabic and Persian rhetoric. his research has examined the evolution of the metaphor classification in Arabic and Persian rhetorical works from the earliest to the present day. Accordingly, three stages can be considered for categorization of metaphors in Arabic rhetorical works and six stages in Persian rhetorical works. The result of the research shows that the classification of works of Persian from the eleventh century has been fully influenced by the works of Sakkaki, Khatib Qazvini and Taftazani. However, some of the rhetorical works have made criticism of these classifications. In our day, some of the rhetorical works, while criticizing these categories, have considered the past categories to be useless and some researchers while criticizing these classifications, have added new issues to them his research has examined the evolution of the metaphor classification in Arabic and Persian rhetorical works from the earliest to the present day. Accordingly, three stages can be considered for categorization of metaphors in Arabic rhetorical works and six stages in Persian rhetorical works. The result of the research shows that the classification of works of Persian from the eleventh century has been fully influenced by the works of Sakkaki, Khatib Qazvini and Taftazani. However, some of the rhetorical works have made criticism of these classifications. In our day, some of the rhetorical works, while criticizing these categories, have considered the past categories to be useless and some researchers while criticizing these classifications, have added new issues to them This research has examined the evolution of the metaphor classification in Arabic and Persian rhetorical works from the earliest to the present day. Accordingly, three stages can be considered for categorization of metaphors in Arabic rhetoric works and six stages in Persian rhetorical works. The result of the research shows that the classification of works of Persian from the eleventh century have been fully influenced by the works of Sakkaki, Khatib Qazvini and Taftazani. However, some of the rhetorical works have made criticism of these classifications. In our day, some of the rhetorical works, while criticizing these categories, have considered the past categories to be useless and some researchers while criticizing these classifications, have added new issues to them.


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