Conditional structures of The Gulistan of sa'di and their rhetorical-semantic functions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Persian language and literature, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Master of Persian Language and Literature


The Gulistan of sa'di ,as one of the most important Persian prose texts, is richly textual in rhetorical and linguistic terms. In this research, various types of conditional structures ("if" and their belongings) and their rhetorical and semantic functions have been analyzed in the Gulistan. The main claim of the present research is that, firstly, the conditional propositions of the Gulistan are structurally diverse and, secondly, these statements played a significant semantic and rhetorical role in The Gulistan. To substantiate this claim, various conditional structures that used in The Gulistan have been structurally investigated, and then the rhetorical and semantic functions of each of these structures have been analyzed.
The results of this research show that conditional propositions in The Gulistan are structurally and semantically rhetorical in 14 different models and have different rhetorical features such as simile, description, relevance, Obligation , etc.


