The Rhetoric of Syntactic, The Basis of Rhetoric in Siyar al-Muluk by Nizam al-Mulk (The Explanation of Dominance of The Rhetoric of Syntactic over Figurative Language and Oratory in Forming of Rhetorical system of Siyar al-Muluk)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Persian language and literature at Shahid Beheshti University

2 Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University

3 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University


The investigation on rhetorical works in Persian literature and researches on this field shows that researchers do not believe in an independent and certain aesthetic system in the research filed of Persian prose. While the case studies on prose texts demonstrates that not only this works have an independent and effective aesthetic system, but also this aesthetic system is parallel with the aim of prose texts that is transferring meaning from the author to the reader. The rhetoric of syntactic, as an independent rhetorical method, explains most of the rhetorical techniques used by the authors of prose literature works. this system has not been focused on because of not having priority over figurative language and oratory. This research is trying to concentrate on the aesthetic system of Siyar al-Muluk by Nizam al-Mulk as one of the most important prose texts in Persian literature through the analysis of chapters thirty nine and forty of the book. It also tries to show that this system is totally effective and also matches with the author's goal of writing this work. on the other hand, by analyzing the text from the field of figurative language and oratory, it will be shown that techniques of these fields do not play an important role in the aesthetic system of the work.


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