Fewzi Mostari's Bulbulistan in the intertextual dialogue with classical works of Persian literature

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Persian language, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo


During the five hounded year rule of the Ottoman Empire in Bosnia and Herzegovina, there were poets and writers appeared who wrote their works in Persian, imitating Saadi, Jami, Rumi, and other famous Iranian poets and who have left behind valuable and beautiful works. Without a doubt, Fewzi Mostari (18 century) is one of the foremost writers who wrote his valuable work Bulbulistan imitating classical Persian works. The main objective of this paper is to put Bulbulistan into intertextual connection with other works of classical Persian literature.Regarding the use of themes and motifs from other works, it can be said that Fewzi mostly used Jami's Baharistan, although his work also has some thematic similarities with Saadi's Gulistan. In addition to Baharistan, Fewzi for his stories took ideas, thoughts and themes from Jami's Nafahat al-Uns (Breaths of Fellowship). Also, he took motives and topics from other sources like Tadhkarat al-Awliya(Memoirs of Saints) by Fariduddin Attar, and the famous Sufi work Kashf al-Mahjub, whose author is Ali Bin Uthman al-Hojwiri. All the stories and thematic units that were taken over Fewzi incorporated in his work with certain thematic and stylistic expansions.


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جامی، عبد الرحمان (۱٣٨۱) بهارستان، تصحیح اسماعیل حاکمی، تهران، انتشارات اطلاعات.
جامی، عبد الرحمان (۱٣٨۲) نفحات الانس، مقدمه، تصحیح و تعلیقات، دکتر محمود عابدی، تهران، انتشارات اطلاعات.
شمیسا، سیروس (۱٣٨۰) سبک شناسی نثر، تهران نشر میترا.
شیرازی، سعدی (۱٣۷٤) گلستان سعدی، بکوشش دکتر خلیل خطیب رهبر، تهران، انتشارات صفی علیشاه.
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OZ– 6 (9b–56b)
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