A critical explanation of a few verses of Hadiqa al-Haqiqah with some Arabization and spelling problems corrected by Dr. Mohammad Jafar Yalaqi and Dr. Seyed Mehdi Zarqani

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Golestan University


The study of mysticism and mystical texts forms an important part of Persian literature. However, understanding the meaning of some of these works is not without complexities and difficulties given the considerable distance between the contemporary era and the time of writings of these works. Therefore, writing interpretation of these works is indispensable, which has been of due attention to literary scholars. But sometimes, these interpretations themselves need reform and revision. Among the works on which numerous commentaries have been written, albeit incompletely, is the Hadiqa al-Haqiqa by Sanai, which is a resource for undergraduate course in Persian language and literature. The present study sought to elaborate on some of the verses detailed in the book entitled ‘Explanation of Haqiqa by Dr. Yahaghi and Dr. Zarghani’ with some Arabization & spelling problems, which seemed to require corrections, in order to provide a clearer and more complete view for students and scholars.


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