Comparative study of the structure of the Prophet’s ascension narrative in Persian commentaries and ascensions: From Ibn 'Abbas ascension narrative to Ilkhanid Book of Ascension

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Mystical Literature at Alzahra University

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature at Alzahra University


One of the narratives of the life story of the Prophet, which is narrated in sources like the Qur’an and quoted by numerous narrators, is his ascension. This narrative has been referred to in Persian and Arabic literature (prose and poem) in various sources. The present study aimed at investigating the process of change in the structural elements of the ascension narratives from Hadith al-Isra' wa’l-Mi'raj, by Ibn Abbas to Ilkhanid Book of Ascension. This study was conducted based on Hadith al-Isra' wa’l-Mi'raj, by Ibn Abbas, the first written ascension, which was probably written around the 10th century AD. The narration of ascension was mentioned after Ibn 'Abbas in exegetical books such as Kitab Al-Mi'raj by Abu l-Qasim al-Qushairî, Tafsir al-Tabari, Taj al-Tarajem, Tafsir-i Surabadi, Kashf al-Asrar, and Rawd al-Jinan wa Ruh al-Janan. In this paper, we examined the process of change in different narratives of the story of ascension via investigating the similarities and differences of these works, in order to determine the extent to which these narratives or interpretations has influenced each other. Finally, the Ilkhanid Book of Ascension, as the only independent narrative of ascension in Persian, was compared with other similar works.


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