Analysis of some mistakes of Vahid Dastgerdi in the description of Khosrow and Shirin

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Yasouj University، Yasouj،Iran


The description of the late Hassan Vahid Dastgerdi on Nizami’s Khosrow and Shirinis is one of the works that have been used by Persian literature enthusiasts as well as those who have studied the works of Nizami for many years. Vahid Dastgerdi’s description, like other similar works, is not void of mistakes. The author of this article attempted to explain some of these mistakes and made every effort to take a step further in the versatility and refinement of this epopee. In an attempt to criticize these mistakes, first the verse in question was presented. Following that, the commentator’s direct quotation was provided and then his mistakes and the exact meaning of the verse were pointed out. It seems that the mistakes of Vahid Dastgerdi in explaining the verses were made for the following reasons: 1. false reading of some verses,  2. lack of attention to the context in which the verse is located, 3. relying on chimerical analogies in the description of some verses, 4. lack of due attention to the verses similar to the verse discussed in the other Nizami’s Divans, 5.  insufficient sources in explaining some verses, and 6. inaccessibility of our current facilities,  such as the Internet,  search engines, literary softwares, multiple and various articles and the like


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