The Mystery of Yemen in Sassanid Section of the Shahnameh

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of History of Ancient Iran. Academy of Persian Language and Literature Tehran, Iran.


Yemen was not labeled as today in the ancient era and perhaps we might have known this country by a different name originated from Hemyar if it had not been defeated by Abyssinia, as like Hamavaran is originated from Hemyar in the Shahnameh (The Epic of Kings). Moreover, the Shahnameh severally attributes Yemen to a place having no relation with this country. The investigation of the reign of Yazdgerd I in the Shahnameh shows that at least at some point in the Sassanid period, the realm of Hirah was called Yemen. To resolve this paradox, we must consider that the word “Yemen” is not an Arabic term, it essentially belongs to Hebrew, especially as a toponym of the south. Based on the research findings, the toponym is originated from the large and influential Jewish community located in Arabian Peninsula and Upper and Lower Mesopotamia. In both regions, Jews succeeded to gain political influence; in the Persian Empire, Yazdgerd I married with the daughter of the Iranian Jewish leader. This period was accompanied with the highest political influence of the Jews into Persian Empire. One consequence was the adaptation of Yemen reference to Hirah in the Sassanid court and its entry into the Khodaynameh.


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