The Dead Lamps: A Review of the Edition of the Divan of Bidel-e Dehlavi by Akbar Behdarvand

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Persian Language and Literature at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Ph.D Candidate in Persian Language and Literature at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


Edition of texts has always been of a special significance and the focus of many scholars and editors. It is crystal clear that editing, like other sciences, requires a knowledge without which it is impossible to do a scientific work of edition. The present paper aims to review Akbar Behdarvand’s edition of the Divan of Bidel using a scientific method. The scientific principles of editing are neglected in this edition. The preface is filled with mistakes like wrong structures, ambiguous statements and contradictory sentences. The edited text is full of rhythmic errors, incoherent writing style, wrong spellings, and joint compound words. This book was published in 2007 by Negah Publication in two volumes.


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