The role of consonants in inducing gender in Persian riots (Case study: Mahasti Ganjavi and Amir Khosrow Dehlavi)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran, Bonab

3 استادیار زبان و ادبیات فارسی، واحد بناب، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، ایران، بناب



. Mehsti-Ganjoy's entry into this arena and the invention of trade union riots in the form of a quartet brought with it different critical reactions, which share one point of view, that is, the masculinity of the language of Mehsti's riots. The main issue of the present research was to prove the existence of women's language in the city of Mehsti Ganjavi riots. To prove this issue, Morris Grammon's induction theory was used in comparing the types of repeated consonants and its induction type in the cities of Amir Khosro Dehlavi and Mehsti Ganjavi. In this research, the variable of gender, based on the traditional view and cultural stereotypes regarding male and female roles, has been measured and these results were obtained: the type of induction of consonants in all groups (obstructive, shrill, rwan, abrasive, demshi and half-voiced) In the riots of Mehsti and Amir Khosro Dehlavi, they are significantly different from each other and are completely opposite to each other. The introduction of all kinds of consonances in Dehlavi's poetry tends towards the speed of speech, the superficiality of emotions, violence and sharpness, and the triumph of sounds and words. From a position of power, Dehlavi addresses the audience/lover of his riotous city with full frankness, overbearing and contemptuous. The characteristics of these inductions are fully adapted to the gender of the poet and his cultural and social freedom and customary extroversion. On the contrary, the introduction of consonants in Mehsti's chaotic city shows the poet's introversion, conservatism and caution, and in every way he has a tendency towards softness, gentleness and caressing, which are also compatible with Mehsti's gender. Therefore, it can be claimed that the poetic language of Mehsti riots, contrary to popular opinion, has a high percentage of femininity.


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