Researching in new found poems of jamal al-din abd al-rrazaq-e esfahani

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Persian language and literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 . Associate Professor, department of Persian language and literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, department of Persian language and literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


The 6th Hijri century is one of the important periods of Persian literature due to the transition of the Khorasani style to the Iraqi style. In this period, great and influential poets such as Anvari, Sanai, and Jamal al-din Abd-al Razzaq emerged. Jamal al-Din Abd-al Razzaq Isfahani is considered the greatest poet of Iraq-e Ajam and especially of Isfahan in this period. Like most of his contemporarie poets, he experimented with different forms and it can be said that he came out of this experiment successfully. To examine the style of this period and also the role of its prominent poets, it is necessary to have a revised text from Divan of these poets. Despite the efforts made, there is no emendated and revised version of Divan of Jamal-e Esfahani. His Divan was emendated and published twice, in 1931 (by Adib-e Sani) and 1941 (by Vahid Dastgerdi), and it was also defended in the form of a doctoral thesis (by Hamidreza Ghanouni) at the University of Isfahan in 2003. Newly found poems in the form of sonnets, fragments, and masnavis, the availability of authentic manuscripts of Divan that the correctors did not have access to, the lack of a scientific and comprehensive introduction in all three amendments, the presence of other poets’ poems in Divan of Jamal, and finally, many mistakes made in emending the manuscripts are among the factors that make it difficult to use previous amendments


Main Subjects

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