Newly and unknown weapons in the Adab al-Harb va al-Shaja’ah

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of foreign Languages and General Lessons, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Literature and the English Language, General Teaching Center, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran



Adab al-Harb va al-Shaja’ah, written by Fakhr Modbber, is a prominent source in the warfare etiquettes, which was written at the beginning of the 7th century AH. This book is the oldest work related to warfare in Persian language that has reached us so far and one of its prominent features is the inclusion of many military words and terms. The age of the work and its author’s mastery of the Hindi language make the research on the vocabulary of this book doubly important. Therefore, in this research, the authors aim to investigate and analyze as much as possible, the rare and unknown military words used in this work and clarify their identity according to this text and other sources. The working method is as follows: in the first step, the Adab al-Harb was studied and were extracted unknown and unrecorded words in dictionaries. In the next step, the available evidence was collected and categorized by the method of library study and text-based corpus search. The number of new vocabularies includes the name of thirty-eight weapons that based on the text of the Adab al-Harb and the obtained evidences, documents and information were provided for many of them in this research for the first time; However, despite all the searches, unfortunately no documents, witnesses or explanations were found for others.
Keywords: Fakhr Modbber, Adab al-Harb va al-Shaja’ah, Persian Prose, Weapon, Newly Vocabulary.


Adab al-Harb va al-Shaja'ah is the oldest book in the Persian language, which talks about the customs of the countrymanship, campaigns, war and weapons, along with historical stories. One of the prominent features of this book is having many military words and terms, and since the author has a wide command of the Indian language, this book also contains the names of unique Indian weapons, many of which have remained unknown until now and their quiddity is unknown to us.

Material and Methods

This paper is basic research about the words of Adab al-Harb va al-Shaja’ah that is done in three steps: First) examining and comprehensively studying of the text of the book and extracting of many unknown military words; Second) Gathering evidence and information by a library study and extracting data from various Persian texts, as well as using different corpus-oriented software and text-oriented corpora. Third) Providing and presenting the definition and meaning of this words with the approach of examining the use of words in the text and the context of the speech.


Providing definitions and evidence for unknown military words that fit into the following category.
3-1. Types of Thimbles: Ghazivar, Torkivar, Mirivar.
3-2. Types of Bows: Kharazmi, Koohi, Caruri, Luhoori, Parvanji, Hendovi, Ghazniji.
3-3. Types of Arrows: Arrow of Zereh, Arrow of Khaftan, Arrow of Baghaltag, Arrow of Bargostovan-e-Jamegi, Arrow of Jowshan, Arrow of Hesar.
3-4. Types of Shields: Choobin, Shooshak, Neyze, Chakh, Khadang, Khafche.
3-5. Types of Swords: Roosi, Ferangi, Shahi, Alaei, Mowj-e-Darya, Taravate, Banah, Bakhari, Khazari, Soorman, Toorman, Keshmiri, Magbarooman.
3-6. Types of Spears: Somayri, Mardgir, Sardandane.


In this research, the authors have discussed and investigated some unknown weapons, and in addition to the registration and introduction of the mentioned types of weapons, they discovered and presented additional information and explanations that these words had in the use of Persian texts and were not recorded in dictionaries.


Main Subjects

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