From Here to the Island of Unconscious, the Analysis of Five Stories from Masnavi

Document Type : Research Paper



“From here to the Island of Unconsciousness” is an analytical text about five important stories from Masnavi Ma'navi's first volume. The interpretation of these five stories contains a common structure: “The King and the Maid”, “Minister and the fanatic Christian-killer Jew King” “Lion and the Hunt”, “the Parrot and The Merchant”, “The Old harper and Omar”. Interpretation, considering the signs existing in the text can act like a bridge that connects the land of form to the land of meaning. In fact, the meaning is not discovered in interpretation, it is reconstructed. Regarding the fact that Masnavi is an indeterminate open text, its stories have the capacity of being interpreted.
The present paper, making use of the signs existing in the text, and interpreting the forms of stories, comes to a common targeted structure about human cognition. Also, using tables and analyzing them, we conclude that dynamic characters in these stories are symbols of mankind’s unique ego. In order to accomplish maturity and perfection, these characters go through the same path. They leave behind the stage of “half consciousness” and reach “consciousness”. Unconscious is one of frequently used terms in Jung’s psychology. In this research this term equals a current term in mysticism, the term “fanaa” that means perdition.


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