A Comparative Study of Three Kurdish Translations of Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, Persian Language and Literature, Urmia University

2 Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Urmia University


There have been, and continue to be, numerous versions of Rubaiyyat of Omar Khayyam in the Kurdish language, where translators have tried to convey the precise meanings and beautiful concepts of Khayyam’s poetry to the target language. Using a descriptive-analytical method and collecting data through library archives study, the present paper seeks to compare three Kurdish translations of Rubaiyyat of Omar Khayyam; prepared by Kamran Ali Badrkhan, Guran, and Hazhar. The review of these translations showed that Kamran Ali used a word-for-word and literary prose technique; also, due to the lack of his familiarity with figurative meanings of Khayyam’s words and the poetic subtleties, he failed to convey Khayyam’s certain tones and themes into Kurdish. Further, Guran did not succeed in presenting a picture of Khayyam’s poetry proportionate to the Kurdish literature and culture, and his translation has not found a high status among the Kurdish-speaking audience. However, the version presented by Hazhar which follows a free or communicative nature conveys well not only Khayyam’s view of inner and outer worlds, but also the spirit and main message as well as the semantic and formal characteristics including form, metre, tone and robustness of words of this King of the Wise, Omar Khayyam. This makes the late translated version more eloquent and acceptable.


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