The Influence of Persian Sufi Texts on the Secondary Interpretation of Khajeh Mohammad Parsa

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of persian language and literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Associate Professor of persian language and literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

3 Ph.D. candidate of persian language and litarature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


Khawaja Muhammad Parsa (d. 822 AH), is one of the sheikhs of the Naqshbandiyya sect and famous Sufis of the Timurid era. he has authored numerous works in the field of Sufism and interpretation of the Qur'an. Tafsir Samaniyah, One of his works, is the commentary of eight short chapters of the thirtieth part of the Quran. To write this work, like his other writings, he has utilized a lot of Arabic and Persian late works; sometimes he has referred to his sources but in many cases he has not mentioned them. The main issue of this article is whether all the Persian parts of this work are the outcomes of the mind and the style of Khajeh Parsa or may some parts of it are taken from the works of predecessor authors and he has not mentioned his sources? studying the Persian parts of the book, it is clear that a number of these materials are taken from some works such as Sharh-e-Tarrof, Kimia-e-Saadat, Mersad-ul-Ebad, and Mesbah-ul-Hedayah whish he didn’t even mention them. This point can lead readers to make less mistakes about the content and linguistic analysis of this work and also make them aware of using these sections.


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