a phonological study of Attar’s language in the Mokhtarname

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Attar's language, as researchers have noted, is full of distinctive features. These features became more apparent with the publication of Shafi'i Kadkani's edition of Mantigh al- Tair and other Attar’s Masnavis, but in the meantime, due attention was not paid to the Mokhtarnameh. Mukhtarnameh is a collection of Attar quatrains, which is provided in thematic order in fifty chapters. Due to the antiquity of the work, the study of its language is of special importance. In the present article, the phonetic features of this work have been studied and some questions about Attar's language have been answered and as well some of the typographical errors and examples of misreading have been corrected. The data obtained from the present article can be compared with the data obtained from the study of Attar’s other poems and the existing image of the stylistic and linguistic features of this poet can be made more accurate. One of the achievements of this research is the distinction between the word "negahi" pronounced whth /ī/, as well as the phonetic distinction between "tō" (layer) and "tū" (you), Both written the same, which has been made possible by examining the work’s rhyming. Considering the metre of Attar's quatrains, it was also found that, unlike some words that have been used in short forms, some words have been used only fully, such as "gusha" (to open) that needs to be corrected as "gushay"


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