منظومۀ حماسی «رونقِ انجمن» و تأثیرپذیری آن از شاهنامه

نوع مقاله : علمی-پژوهشی


1 دانش‌آموختۀ دکتری زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه پبام نور، تهران، ایران

2 دانشیار گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه پیام نور، تهران، ایران



«رونقِ ‌انجمن» منظومه‌ای حماسی دینی به بحر متقارب در 2044 بیت است که شاعری با تخلّص صحبتِ‌لاری در دورۀ قاجار آن را سروده است. لاری در این منظومه، به اقتفای فردوسی رفته و در سرودن آن، علاوه بر پیروی از سنّت مختارنامه‌سرایی، سبک و سیاق شاهنامه را نیز سرمشق اصلی خود قرار داده است. این پژوهش در صدد آن است تا به روش تحلیلی و سندکاوی تأثیرپذیری این منظومه از شاهنامه را نشان بدهد. پژوهش حاضر، همچنین برآن است تا تأثیر شاهنامه را به لحاظ سبک‌شناختی، بر این مثنوی حماسی دینی، در چند بخش از قبیل زبان، ساختار، بیان و محتوا با ذکر و تحلیل شواهد بررسی کند. نتایج پژوهش حاضر نشان می‌دهد لاری یکی از مختارنامه‌سرایان ادب فارسی است که منظومۀ حماسی خویش را تحت تأثیر شاهنامه سروده و در این راه –به زعم خویش- کاری برتر از فردوسی در سرودن شاهنامه انجام داده است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

The epic masnavi "RonagheAnjoman" and its influence from the Shahnameh

نویسندگان [English]

  • Sadegh Arshi 1
  • ayoob moradi 2
1 Doctor of Persian language and literature. Payame Noor,University, Tehran, Iran
2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

RonagheAnjoman is an epic-religious epopee in motaghareb rhythm, that is composed of 2044 verses. This epopee is the work of a poet with the pseudonym SohbateLari During the Qajar period. Lari In this epopee, followed Ferdowsi and tradition of to compose Mukhtarnameh Lari has been influenced from the Shahnameh. In addition to the introduce of the Epic masnavi, this study tries to show the Influence from the Shahnameh by Analytical and exploratory method. This study also is intended to study the effect of Shahnameh on these epic , in several parts, including the influence of the style and the book of Shahnameh, Allusions, use of Ferdowsi’s verses in the epopee’s verses, Hemistiches of the Shahnameh and influence  vocabulary and imagery This epopee also will be analyzed from linguistic and literary viewpoints stylistically. The results of this study show that Larry is Mukhtarnameh poet and he composed his Epic masnavi under the influence of Shahnameh and in this way, he has done something superior to Ferdowsi In composing the Shahnameh in his own opinion.
Key words: SohbateLari, RonagheAnjoman, Shahnameh Ferdowsi, Style, Imitation, Influence.
"ronaq anjoman" is an epic religious system in the way of ferdowsi and the tradition of Composing Mokhtarnameh of suhbat larry. The poets of the Qajar era considered the sabak hindi to be decadent and vulgar, so in that period the theory of "literary return" (bazgasht adabi) was formed and recorded in the history of Iranian literature.
A group of scholars considered the art of poets of this period to be wasted and some pointed to the services of poets of this period. Poets and writers of this period tried to produce works similar to those of past poets and writers. Some went to Sa'di, Rumi, Hafiz, and Nizami, and A group also sang following Ferdowsi's epic religious systems. In the meantime, there is an epic religious order called " "ronaq anjoman" in describing a part of Al-Mukhtar's life from Muhammad Baqir suhbat larry. Although such systems are without an ancient and mythical history, they are debatable as part of Iran's epic literature. Mokhtarnamehs and following Shahnameh are also part of the history of Iranian epic literature. Before and after the "ronaq anjoman", there are many regular mokhtarnamehs. The beginning of the writing of persian-related mokhtarnamehs probably dates back to the 10th century AH and continues until now.
The fact that Larry has done something superior than Ferdowsi in writing "ronaq anjoman" shows that he is a follower of Ferdowsi and shahnameh style. The "ronaq anjoman" has remained virtually unknown and no specific research attention has been paid to it. For the anonymity of this epic religious systems, four reasons can be undersert: first, that the "ronaq anjoman" has been published under the supreme court- unknown- larry, and has not been published as a system independent of the Divan, and has remained far from the eyes of epic scholars and literary entries. The second reason is the use of the non- epic combination of "ronaq anjoman", in which other martial arts, noun and The meaning of the name relationships are not clear. The other three (as is often common) the second part of its name does not end with "nama". The fourth reason is that some verses of the system, in terms of language and style, are loose and sometimes weak, and this is itself a reason not to welcome it.
The "ronaq anjoman" is the epic religious system in 2044, a bit of suhbat larry describing a part of al-Mukhtar Abu 'Ubayd al-Thaqafi's life, the events of his life during the martyrdom of Imam al-Husayn (a).
In creating this epic religious system, Lari has considered Shahnameh and, in many cases, has been modeled and influenced by the national epic.
The present article attempts to analyze Larry's adherence to the association's prosperity from Ferdowsi's style in Shahnameh. Many imitations of "ronaq anjoman"'s poet can be considered in the areas of language (vocabulary and composition), structure, expression (rhetoric) and content. Although the prosperity of the Association is a small epic religious system, due to its author's deep familiarity with Shahnameh, it can be discussed in the discussion of imitation and influence of Shahnameh in all of these areas.
In the present study, the levels of language, structure, expression (rhetoric) and larry's epic religious system content of Shahnameh have been investigated and analyzed. The language of the association's prosperity in vocabulary and composition is an imitation of shahnameh. For example, the combinations of argandagorg, chachikman, far shahi and noshdaro are mentioned. The influence of the format, Weight of poetry and epic language in this system also indicates the adherence, influence and modelling of Shahnameh. In the place of this epic religious system, the influence of Shahnameh can also be seen. Larry uses epic language and expression to imitate Ferdowsi. In the verses of the system, sometimes there are direct and sometimes indirect influences of Shahnameh. Larry has also occasionally illustrations with shahnameh names and  War tools. Larry also mentioned Ferdowsi's person and the Book of Shahnameh. In the topic of Shahnameh's allusions, Larry has mentioned the mysterious beast of Shahnameh, «babar bayan»، «tahmtan»، «royintan»، «guftar jamasbi»، «ayagh garshasbi»، jama jam keykhosrow rakhsh, as well as manouchehr and Nariman as allusion. In many cases, Larry has built his verses on verses from Shahnameh. These cases have been formed in some cases, certainly and in some cases, in accordant with the weight and capacity of the The Weight of Shahnameh Poetry for specific words. In general, with caution and probability, the verbal and semantic similarities of such verses should be mentioned on the basis of Shahnameh. The pattern-making, influences and imitations of larry's in the field of association's prosperity from Ferdowsi's Shahnama can be divided into several sections: the effects of the aforementioned field in the areas of language, structure, expression and content have been extensively discussed.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • SohbateLari
  • RonagheAnjoman
  • Shahnameh Ferdowsi
  • Style
  • Imitation
  • Influence
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