بررسی تطبیقی الگوی سفر قهرمان جوزف کمپبل درتفسیر عرفانی و ادبی ادبار واقبال عقل درنسخه خطی منظومه ی اکسیرالجنون و تحریر الفنون

نوع مقاله : علمی-پژوهشی


1 مربی گروه زبان وادبیات فارسی،دانشگاه پیام نور،تهران،ایران

2 استاد گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه پیام نور،تهران،ایران

3 استاد ، گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه پیام نور،تهران ،ایران

4 دانشیار گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی،دانشگاه پیام نور،تهران ،ایران،



ادبیات تمثیلی و عرفانی ازعرصه های تجلی آثار سلوک محور است .گذراز مراحل قرار دادی برای سالکان نمونه ای از اشتراکات اسطوره و عرفان است. درمنظومه اکسیرالجنون و تحریر الفنون ، مبحث ادبار واقبال عقل در قالب سفری معنوی مطرح شده است که می توان رد پای سفر اسطوره ای قهرمان را در آن پیگیری کرد.نوشتارحاضر، با هدف بررسی تطبیقی وتحلیلی مراحل سفر عقل با  الگوی سفر قهرمان جوزف کمپبل  انجام شده است . بر اساس یافته ها سفر عقل با الگوی کمپبل مطابقت ومشابهت بسیاری دارد .مراد ازادبارعقل تجلی آن در صورت تعینات  و اقبال آن ،رجعت دوباره از این عالم مادی به جایگاه نخستین است.سفر عقل طبق الگوی کمپبل در سه مرحله دعوت، عزیمت و بازگشت انجام می پذیرد ودر پایان همان گونه که کمپبل اشاره کرده است، با رسیدن به مرحله فنا و به دست آوردن نیروی کیهانی  تبدیل به ناف هستی شده و به آسایشی ابدی دست می یابد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Examining Josef Campbell’s Hero’s Journey Pattern in the mystical and literary interpretations of the repulsion and attraction of intellect in the poem of Aksir AL-Jo noon and Tahrir AL-fonoon

نویسندگان [English]

  • Tayebeh Vatanparast Parizi 1
  • , Fatemeh Koopa 2
  • Ali mohammad Poshtdar 3
  • Pedram Mirzaei 4
1 Instructor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payamnoor University, Tehran, Iran
2 Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payamnoor University, Tehran, Iran.
3 Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payamnoor University, Tehran, Iran
4 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payamnoor University, Tehran, Iran.
چکیده [English]

Allegorical and mystical literature is a manifestation of the effects of ethical conduct. Passing through the stages of the spiritual journey is an example of the intersections of myth and mysticism. In the poem of " Aksir AL-Jo noon and Tahrir AL-fonoon," the subject of the repulsion and attraction of intellect is presented in the form of a spiritual journey where one can trace the footsteps of the mythical hero's journey.
This paper aims to investigate and analyze the stages of the journey of intellect in comparison with the hero's journey pattern of Joseph Campbell. Based on the findings, the journey of intellect shows significant similarities and parallels with Campbell's model. The purpose of the journey of intellect is its manifestation in the determination of forms and its return from this material world to its original position. The journey of intellect, following Campbell's model, consists of three stages: call, initiation, and return. Ultimately, as Campbell has pointed out, by reaching the stage of annihilation and attaining cosmic power, it transforms into the essence of non-being and achieves eternal peace.
Keywords: Aksir al-jonoon and Tahrir al-Fonoon, repulsion and attraction of intellect, The Hero's Journey, Joseph Campbell, Myth.
The role of myth in human life has been inevitable from ancient times to the present and future. Joseph Campbell sees myths as clues that lead us towards our deepest spiritual potential and propel us towards enlightenment and attraction. In his theory of the monomythic, by introducing the hero, he shows that the hero is in pursuit of self-discovery and knowledge that leads to a journey.
The existential nature of mystical literature is the creation of myth; because mystical literature, like other human sciences, is a domain of occurrence and accumulation of ancient patterns and archetypal thoughts. The ontological aspect of human and his divine nature transforms mysticism into a constructed knowledge and culture in which the seeker strives like an epic hero to battle against his own ego in order to triumphantly rid his soul of shadows and veils that scream insincerity, and by dispelling the dark and ignorant self-indulgence, illuminate the light of self-discovery.
One of the mystical and allegorical works of the Literary return style where one can examine and trace the footsteps of the hero's journey. Is the “Poem of AK sir AL-Jo Noon and Tahir AL-fonoon? Therefore, in the present research, the authors have attempted to analyze the stages of the mythical/mystical journey based on the Campbell's pattern and demonstrate the extent to which the stages of the intellectual journey correlate and align with Campbell's pattern.
Materials and methods:
The present research is of a descriptive-analytical nature and was conducted using a library method. The main focus of the study is on mystical literature, specifically on the only existing handwritten copy of the is the Poem of " Aksir AL-Jo Noon and Tahrir AL-fonoon " which has been corrected and rewritten by the authors in the form of a doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Persian Language and Literature at Payame Noor University of Tehran in 2021.
The Poem of " AK sir AL-Jo Noon and Tahrir AL-fonoon " is a symbolic and mystical work attributed to the Literary return style, which includes Persian and Arabic poems. It aims to teach the etiquettes of the Sufi path and the stages of spiritual journey, combining the foundations of mysticism and Sufism with Shia’ beliefs, and expressing educational and religious points.
One of the main topics in the mentioned work is the mystical interpretation of the attraction and repulsion of the of intellect which is presented in the form of a mythical/mystical journey and unfolds in three stages of invitation, determination, and return. The different stages bear a striking resemblance and correspondence to the hero's journey pattern outlined by Joseph Campbell.
The “attraction and repulsion of intellect “is a mystical and allegorical interpretation of the hadith about intellect and ignorance is attributed to Imam Sadiq.
According to this hadith, the first intellect is the first and most beloved creation of God because it did not disobey the command of God to "Go and come” The other intellects are partial manifestations of the light of the first intellect and are positioned in the rank of attraction and repulsion.  
Regarding “repulsion and attraction of intellect”, two perspectives have been presented: 1- attraction and repulsion First Intellect, (First Emanation  or Active Intellect), where its repulsion is the descent in the rank of determinations and, upon returning towards the Divine, reaches the stage of attraction and transforms into an Active intelligence. This formative journey from Divine to Divine. 2 -repulsion and attraction of partial intellects, where the purpose of its repulsion, is the descent of Prophet Adam (AS) from paradise to the earthly abode, and by accepting his repentance towards the God, returns back to his original abode and reaches attraction. This journey is from creation to the Divine. The common aspect of both stages is that transitioning from repulsion to attraction, necessitates a voluntary death or annihilation of material and egoistic aspects and reaching to the eternal existence in God.
The author of “AK sir AL-Jo Noon and Tahrir AL-fonoon " depicts this ascent and descent in the form of a spiritual journey. A journey that begins with a divine call and the intellect becomes an active intellect after going through difficult and challenging stages. This stage is interpreted as the navel of existence based on Campbell's model.
The mythological and mystical journey of the intellect in the poem of Aksir AL-Jo Noon and Tahrir AL-fonoon " is one of the mystical allegories in Persian literature that bears a significant resemblance to the hero's journey pattern of Joseph Campbell. According to this pattern, the hero goes through three stages of departure or initiation, achievement, and return, each with its own challenges. From a known land to an unknown land filled with dangers and monstrous forces, the hero embarks on a mythical journey. At the end of the journey, the hero reaches the state of annihilation and attains a state of abundance in unity. The result of this annihilation is eternal peace and liberation from turmoil and self-worship. The hero transforms into a powerful force in existence through acquiring astonishing power. During the journey of the intellect in the poem of" Aksir AL-Jo Noon and Tahrir AL-fonoon," the hero (the first intellect) becomes an active intellect, receiving grace from its source and spreading it to the entire world, becoming the source of happiness and misery for the beings of the world.
The application of Campbell's hero's journey pattern in " Aksir AL-Jo Noon and Tahrir AL-fonoon " illustrates that mystical literature, although a reflection of previous centuries' mysticism in the Literary return style, provides a good platform for discussing and studying many challenging topics and themes in analytical psychology, such as those of Carl Gustav Jung and his followers, including Joseph Campbell.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Aksir al-jonoon and Tahrir al-Fonoon
  • repulsion and attraction of intellect
  • The Hero's Journey
  • Joseph Campbell
  • Myth
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